"Let's make the world a better place"
Mission and vision You can help people in all sorts of ways. You can give them something and repeat this over. But you can also learn them something. In order to have an independant life and contribute to the economy. A win-win situatie for all partys. No fundraising depending on a few but making money by trading where reciprocity is the key word. That is the objective of JOBO international. To learn how to trade in healty way that makes everybody happy. The entrepreneurship and friendship of founders Jordi de Weerd and Bouba Berehoundougou were the base of Jobo international. Jobo makes a bridge between Europe and Africa by doing commercial trade together with a social mainspring. .
The start The start Learning to make money and being a entrepreneur most in Burkina have already experienced. The trade network in Europe from Jordi and the local knowledge of bouba in Burkinese economy makes the best of worlds.
Also the orphanage that bouba started before 2000 with his wife Karin. When Jordi visited in 2003 he donated and was impressed what they could mean for the children. He wanted to be or make a longer term financial support to guarantee the aid for these children.
The orphanage was the start of their friendship. More and more children could be sheltered and given an opportunity to support their own life. It even could grow and Bouba and Karin were able to build a second one called “la pouponiere”. Especially for the young born. Apart from this jobo trade mission resulted in several projects of selling computers, home electronics and later on trucks/ Further in 2008 they started selling terrains or even champagne.
In 2010 bouba even started a Hotel in Koudougou. A place also to do business and with facility for meetings and congresses to be held. De Future More projects are in the pipeline. Young grown ups who leave the orphanage or already left are to be challenged to enterprise by JOBO. To learn how to take responsibility and to start up in this way.
Maybe to realise ataxi company or a recycling store are some examples of the ambitions we have for them for the future.
Do you have ideas on social or commercial grounds? Do not hesitate to contact and share it with us!
 Jordi H.J. de Weerd A genuine entrepreneur from the Netherlands who not only sees opportunities but also want to give them.
The Ministry of Burkina Faso already has been allowed to meet Jordi. He showed that commerce and social work can go hand in hand. He has tried to mean something for burkina but also for other countries in west africa. He for years is friends wiht bouba and are taking care of eachother doing business were the heart lies.

Bouba Berehoundougo Recieved in 2014 the order of the Merite (Chevalier du Ordre du Merite) as thank and support of this work for his fellow men in Burkina Faso. The founding and maintaining of the orphanages and realising numerous development projects make him a special man. Thanks to Bouba and his wife Karin a lot of children and orphans have found and known warm home. Although these kids have already left the orphanage as young adults they are still connected to each other and asked to be involved in the Jobo projects for the future.

Who are we?




Bouba Berehoundougou
President Directeur General
Tel 00226 - /
BP 64 Koudougou Burkina Faso Jordi H.J. de Weerd Président Directeur Générale
Tel 0031-624696966
De kleine elst 24 5246JH Rosmalen, The Netherlands